
Friends of Fiji Health will appreciate any donations that you wish to make to this worthy cause. Donations towards the Foundation can be made in one of following ways:

By Cheque: Please make the cheque payable to “Friends of Fiji Health [NZ] Inc” and mark it “Not Negotiable”.

Post to:

The Treasurer Rajesh Chaudhary

34A Omahu Road Remuera 1050


Please provide your full name and address.

By Direct Credit: Donations can be paid by direct credit to: ASB Bank Limited – Account No. 12-3252-0044839-00. All relevant details are to be completed in the reference areas so that payment can be acknowledged by issuing an official receipt.

Cash: As a general rule, the first two methods above are preferred. However, should you wish to pay by cash please obtain an official receipt immediately. Cash donations are to be only paid to a Trustee member who knows you personally.

Other Correspondence:

Please write to:

FOFH (NZ) Inc.
The Secretary - Daven Naidu
P.O. Box 56 607
Dominion Road
Auckland 1042
New Zealand

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