Volunteer Application Form

Please type your full name.

First Name
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Preferred Name
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Home Address
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Phone (Day)
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Phone (Evening)
Invalid Input

Email Address*
Invalid email address.

Date of Birth
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HINT: Click on the Month & Year in the pop up calendar to edit and jump to the date you want.

What languages do you speak?
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Please list your reasons for volunteering for FOFH
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Please list your relevant qualifications and experience
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Health: Do you have any health/physical limitation which may restrict your ability to work in some areas?
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Credentials: Your current annual practicing certificate in the field of your practice is sufficient credential for purpose of FOFH
Do you have a current practicing certificate RELEVANT TO YOUR FIELD OF PRACTISE?
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If Yes, what does this relate to?
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Do we have your permission to publish your name and phone number(s) on the Volunteer Phone List of FOFH?
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I state that I have the relevant qualifications and experience for the services I am offering and confirm that no further training is required.

I acknowledge that as a condition of my acceptance as a volunteer I will be required to sign a code of conduct which will be contained in a volunteer handbook.

Please place a tick beside the area/s you would prefer to volunteer in:

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Further info
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I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers in this application are correct and I understand that if any false or deliberately misleading information is given, or any material fact suppressed, I will not be accepted, or if I have already commenced, I accept that my services may no longer be required.

All information given on this form will be absolutely confidential to FOFH Trust Board.

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Looking for the paper version?
Download as a PDF: Volunteer Application Form